Mentor @ Hack The League 3 hackathon

I was shortlisted as a Mentor at Hack The League Chapter 3 hackathon, in Jaipur India.

Speaker @ Web3Bootcamp GirlScript Foundation

I got selected as a SPEAKER in the #web3Camp BootCamp 2023 by @Girlscript1. My talk was about basics of developing and execution of smart contracts on EVM chains.

Mentor @ HackTheMountain 4.0

I was invited to be a MENTOR for guiding development of web3 projects at the @HackMountains 4.0 hackathon.

Keynote Speaker @ Ahmedabad University

I was invited to Ahmedabad University to give a talk on Blockchain Architecture. In the talk, we discussed some core principles of development and working of Blockchains, wallet key management and cryptography.

Won FVM Dataverse Pool

Developed a unified SDK that simplifies data access from any blockchain. Our SDK supports popular blockchains like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and EOS, enabling seamless integration of data into applications by our in-build indexers made using Rust.

Won ETHForAll hackathon 2023

Developed XStream. With XStream, you can start a stream to any EVM chain from the chain you have your treasury on. It allows anyone to send a stream to a recipient address on a chain they don't have liquidity on without the need to bridge tokens to that chain and having native tokens to pay gas for initiating the stream. Won the Best Overall Project and Best Cross-chain dapp

Won ETHIndia Hackathon Bounty 2022

Created LensMaxi which empowers content creators to monetize, incentivize and grow their community. It does this by combining the Lens protocol, Superfluid, and the Lit protocol. We deployed the project on the Lenster fork and won hackathon.

Won Ethernals Hackathon

This was my first Web3 hackathon online in which we made Blockoverflow. Blockoverlfow won the Hackathon and was among Top 10 projects. We got grants from ETHIndia for developing the project.